in SlovakSK

Miroslav Cipar

Miroslav Cipar - Cover Page

Monograph about Slovak artist Miroslav Cipar (1935). Slovak / English text. Publication includes about 350 reproductions, list of reproductions, bibliography.

Miroslav Cipar is a painter, graphic artist, sculpture, illustrator, and designer. Besides his involvement in fine art he is also active on the fields of public life and journalism.

He is one of the most original representatives of the contemporary Slovakian fine art. He has held independent exhibitions in Havana, Paris, Osaka, Köln, Dayton, London, and Washington. He is the leader in the idea of breaking out of space. According to the analysts, the works of Cipar are as if they were in motion when different signs are composed into unities while rhythm rules the pictures. There were some who called Cipar The Knight of Lines. According to others he is a hedonist when it comes to colors, but this is what the dynamics is from in his works.

Miroslav Cipar
Autor: Fedor Kriška
Price: EUR 60.00
Scale: 0
Category: Culture, Arts
Published by: Vydavateľstvo Michala Vaška
Edition 1.
Published in 2009.
ISBN: 978-80-7165-778-1
347 pp.
Dimensions: 22.00 x 31.00 cm
Payment conditions
More in the category
>> Culture, Arts

Published: 2010-11-22
Updated: 2010-11-22

Categories: - Galleries, Museums, Exhibitions