in SlovakEN

Bon appetit, dobru chut, Bratislava!

Bratislava v minulosti

Following page is based on the Paul Zendzian's and Madeline Vadkerty's Guide to 70 of Bratislava's best restaurants. The guide was published in 1996 and is outsold now; a description of particular restaurants is obsolete. But the information regarding the Slovak kitchen and restaurants services is still valid. The same is true about the restaurant language dictionary, which can be useful for you. Have a fun with it.


Part of the joy of travelling is sampling the regional cuisine and experiencing local culinary specialities. Here is a brief guide to what you can expect to find in Slovak restaurants. You will find the food hearty and filling.

You can find more information in the Slovak Cookery book


The best known Slovak soup is kapustnica, a hearty cabbage soup with smoked pork sausage that often contains mushrooms, and sometimes plums, especially at Christmastime. This soup is also served at weddings to revive guests at midnight! It is perfect to take away the chill on a cold day.

Another typical Slovak soup is fazulova polievka, made of beans and root vegetables such as carrots and parsley. Sometimes, smoked pork is added. While in Slovakia, be sure an try cesnakova polievka, a garlic soup usually cooked in chicken broth with parsley and an egg, or croutons.

Drzkova polievka is often seen on menus here -- beware if you are not fond of tripe!

The fish soup Halaszle‚ is borrowed from Hungarian cuisine. Usually very spicy, it is a combination of different types of fish in a hot paprika broth.


A very typical Slovak appetizer is the sunkova rolka s chrenovou penou, a slice of ham stuffed with horseradish flavoured cream. Bryndza cheese appetizers in pastry dough or flavored with paprika and served with bread are also typical appetizers. One of our favorites is Ostiepok, a smoked cheese baked with ham (vyprazany ostiepok so sunkou).


Miesany salat (mixed salad) is readily available in Slovakia. Watch for the word sterilizovany, however as it means that the vegetables are canned, not fresh. It is also possible to get salads consisting of one vegetable, with cabbage (kapusta), tomato (paradajka), and cucumber (uhorka) being the most popular.


Side dishes, such as rice or potatoes, are usually not included in the price of your main course (they will be listed with the description if included) and need to be ordered separately. Mashed potatoes (zemiakova kasa), baked potatoes (zapekane zemiaky), French fries (hranolky), boiled potatoes (varene zemiaky), fried potatoes similar to homefries without onions (opekane zemiaky) and potato croquettes (zemiakove krokety) are the most common potato side orders.

Rice is served plain (obycajna) or flavoured with ham (sunka), curry (kari), peas (hrasok), mushrooms (hriby or sampinony). Some restaurants serve dumplings (halusky) as a side dish. Ketchup is found on some restaurant tables, but in most cases, it is necessary to request it and pay a separate charge.

Tartar sauce (Tatarska omacka) also needs to be ordered separately -- it is often served with french fries, fried cheese, or fried vegetables.


Meat, poultry, and game

The most popular meat by far is pork, which comes in several forms: pork chops (kare or rezen), pork steak (cernohorsky bravcovy rezen ), rib of pork, (rebierko), and leg of pork. It is commonly stuffed with ham and cheese (sunka, syr).

One of the best cuts is a steak called rostenka in Slovak.

Another specialty which is only sometimes on the menu is knee of pork (bravcove koleno), which supposedly has the most tender meat. Pork liver (bravcova pecen) can also be found on some Slovak menus. This is not to be confused with Ciganska pecen , which has no liver at all, but is baked pork with garlic.

One of our favorite dishes is a stew made of pork (Szegedinsky gulas), a delicious combination of stewed pork, sauerkraut, spices and sour cream. Pork is also popular served in a large potato pancake (zemiakova placka), but beware, it can be spicy! Pork is also served cooked similarly to schnitzel, breaded and fried and called vyprazany bravcovy rezen. Parizsky bravcovy rezen is a variation on the same theme, but is a pork chop fried in dough. If you want a simple piece of pork (or other meat), ask for prirodny rezen.

Many beef dishes are found on Slovak menus. The sirloin with fried onions (viedenska rostenka) is usually made from a high quality cut of meat, as steak, which is often served with a fried egg (biftek s vajcom). This is usually the most expensive menu item.

Svieckova is also usually a better cut of meat, and is often served with homemade style dumplings (domaca knedla). Pleskavica is ground beef and can be served with a pork chop.

Stuffed peppers (plnena paprika) or stuffed cabbage (plnena kapusta) are ground beef and rice often with a tomato sauce -- you need to ask if they are spicy (stiplava, pikantna). Beefsote is a spicy mixture of beef with sour cream. Hovadzi gulas is a tasty beef stew with paprika, green/red peppers, onion and tomatoes.

Poultry is very popular in Slovakia and will be found on virtually every menu. Chicken (kura) is served fried (vyprazane), baked (pecene), or skewered (na spize). In some restaurants you can call a day ahead and order chickens roasted on a spit right in the restaurant (grilovane kurca). Turkey also comes in several varieties here. The breast (prsia) is the most popular cut and comes prepared in any of the following ways: fried and stuffed with ham and cheese (vyprazane morcacie prsia plnenc syrom a sunkou), with fruit (s ovocim), sauteed (morcacie sote) -- watch out -- this dish is usually spicy!

Veal is sometimes available, and is served grilled (grilovane), as chops (telacie rezne), or in medallions (medailonky) served with a sauce.

Fall is duck (kacica) and goose (hus) season in Slovakia. Usually served with dumplings (knedliky), or pancakes dripping with grease from the cooked bird (lokse), it usually comes with steamed cabbage (dusena kapusta). Also, you don't want to miss the goose liver ( husacia pecienka) often served as an appetizer.

It is common to see game (zverina) on menus with venison (jelenie maso), and boar (divina) being the most popular. Lamb is rarely found on Slovak menus (jahnacie).


Though imported seafood is making an appearance on more and more Slovak menus, the main fish staples in Slovak cuisine are carp and trout (pstruh) (raised on Slovak fish farms) and fish filets.

Carp (kapor) is very popular and is the traditional Slavic Christmas Eve meal. It can be fried (vyprazany), baked (na roste) or served with nuts (s orechami). It is good served with garlic (s cesnakom), or in a dough made from beer (v pivnom cesticku). If you see a menu listing for rybie orly, it is carp fried in a light batter. Watch out for the bones!

Trout comes baked (na roste) or stuffed (plneny), often with almonds (mandle), ham and cheese (so syrom a sunkou), or boiled (na modro) for those of us watching our calories. Fish filets (file) is a portion of fish cooked in butter (na masle) or fried (vyprazany).

A word about fish prices. Unlike meat, there is usually a base price for 100 or 150 grams and an additional amount for every ten grams more -- usually marked next to the listing. The price is calculated according to the fish in its raw state. Do not be fooled into thinking that the base price is the entire price!

Bryndzové halušky

Slovak specialities

There are a couple of dishes that are typically Slovak that we want to bring to your attention. The first is bryndzove halusky, a serving of dumplings with melted sheep cheese and fried bacon sprinkled on the top. Many refer to this as the national dish and it is usually the least expensive menu item. Sometimes, for some reason, they are listed in the dessert section. Another traditional dish is strapacky s kapustou, dumplings with cabbage and sometimes bacon.

For Vegetarians

Other than salads (salaty), vegetarians are often limited in terms of their options in Slovak restaurants but this is improving. Often, the only items are cheeses (syry), fried mushrooms (vyprazane sampinony), fried cauliflower (vyprazany karfiol) or omelettes (omelety). Fried cheese (vyprazany syr) is also available if cholesterol is not a concern for you. Vegetable risotto (zeleninove rizoto) or fried skewered cheese (syrovy spiz) is also usually available.


By far, the most popular Slovak dessert is crepes (palacinky). They come filled with jam (s lekvarom), ice cream and chocolate sauce (so zmrzlinou a cokoladou), farmers' cheese and raisins (s tvarohom a hrozienkami), and stuffed with nuts, chocolate sauce and whipped cream ( s orechami, cokoladou a slahackou). In some restaurants they are flamb‚ed with liqueur. Another popular favorite are gule, or parene buchty, steamed rolls filled with jam. Also recommended are makov‚ sulance, noodles with poppy seeds, melted butter and sugar.

Strudla or jablkovy zavin made of flaky pastry dough and apples is also popular here, not to mention all kinds of cakes (torta) and cookies (zakusky). Ice cream sundaes (zmrzlinove pohare), fruit cups (ovocne‚ pohare) and stewed fruit (kompoty) are on virtually every menu here.


Alcohol is an integral part of dining in Slovakia. The most popular before dinner drink in Slovakia is slivovica, a brandy made of plums. Many like to start their dinner with borovicka, a juniper berry brandy. To the uninitiated, these drinks will appear quite strong, but experienced drinkers can throw back their heads and down a shot without even flinching. Wine (vino) is grown almost all over southern Slovakia, resulting in good white (biele) and red (cervene) table wines.

In winter, try the mulled wine (varene vino). Young wine (burciak), is available in the first half of September, and is usually the subject of harvest festivals. Cloudy in appearance, it is apparently rich in vitamins (especially vitamin B) and legend has it that if you drink seven liters of it, you will replace all of your blood. Also, let's not forget about some of the best beer (pivo) in the world - served in bottles (flase) or on tap (capovane) in most restaurants.

Most Slovak restaurants have well stocked bars including alcoholic spirits from around the world in case you want your usual favorite.


You will find that each menu will list the weight of the meal, in grams, generally to the left of the meal. This wonderful feature allows you to determine the size of the portion. All menus are in Slovak, however, we have indicated if the menu is available in English and other languages.

Free Slovak Cookbook

You can get free Slovak cookbook at Slovak Cooking website. Donation is welcomed.

A small culinary dictionary

Cold Appetizersstudené predjedlo stoodenay predyedlo
Warm Appetizersteplé predjedloteplay predyedlow
Soup polievka polyevka
Quick Foods hotové jedlo hotovay jedlo
Foods made to order jedlo na objednávku yedlo na obyednavku
Side dishes príloha preeloha
Dessert dezert dezert
Poultry hydina hideena
Chicken kura koora
Turkey morkamorkah
Fish/seafood ryba, morské jedlo reebah, morskay, yedlo
Pork bravčové bravchovay
Ham šunkashunka
Beef hovädzie hovadzeeyay
Veal teľacie telatseeyay
Game divina deeveena
Vegetableszelenina zeleneena
Vegetarian dishes vegetariánske jedlo veghetarian-skee yedlo
Fresh Salad čerstvy šalát cherstvee shalat
Canned Salad sterilizovany šalát sterilizovan-ee salat
Fruitovocie ovotseeyay
Ice Cream zmrzlina zmrzleena
Pancakes/crepespalacinky palatseenkee

Ďalšie info:

Gastronomické slovníky

Useful Slovak phrases for dining out

Tip: Most Slovak words have the accent on the first syllable.

HelloDobry deň dobree den
Good eveningDobry večer dobree vecher
Do you speak English?Hovoríte po anglicky?hovoreetay po anglitski

Do you have a table for one, two three, four, five, six?
Máte stôl pre jedného, dvoch, troch, štyroch, piatich, šiestich?
Matyea stwol pray yeddenho, dvok, trok, shtirok, piateek, sheshtik

I need a reservation for two, three, four, five, six at seven - eight o'clock
Potrebujem urobit rezerváciu pre dvoch, troch, štyroch, piatich, šiestich a devätnástu - dvadsiatu hodinu
Potreebooyem oorobeet reservatseeou pray dvok, trok, shtirok, piateek, sheshtik nah devaatnastoo - dvadseeatoo hodeen

May I have a menu, please?
Prosím si, menu/jedálny listok?
Proseem see menoo/yedalny listok

I would like to order...
Man: Rád by som si objednal ..
Woman: Rada by som si objednala
Rad bee somm see obyednal...
Rada bee somm see obyednala...

Please bring me the bill
Prosím, prineste mi účet
Proseem, preenneste mee oochet

May I pay with a credit card?
Môžem platiť kreditnou kartou?
Mowzehem plateet kreditnow kartow

Please give me a receipt
Prosím si potvrdenku
Proseem see, potverdienku

Where is the ladies/mens room?
Kde je WC pre ženy/mužov?
Gdye yeh Vaysteh pray zhenee/moozhow

Please call me a taxi
Prosím, zavolajte mi taxi
Proseem, zavolaytye mee taxi

See our small talking English - Slovak dictionary for tourists: >>

Slovak Language Section: >>

A word about tipping in restaurants and taxis

In Slovakia, it is not customary to tip ten or fifteen percent to waiters and taxi drivers. It is best to round up to the nearest ten. If your payment already includes the tip, hand your money to the waiter/waitress and say thank you (D'akujem, pronounced dyakooyem). If you thank them when you hand them the money, they will not bring you any change. If you want change, say nothing to the waiter/waitress when you pay and change will be brought back to you. You should then tip the amount you wish. Tips are not usually left on the table, they are usually handed directly to the waiter/waitress.

Ďalšie info:

Bratislavský online sprievodca

Vydané: 2004-02-27
Aktualizované: 2004-02-27

Kategórie: Praktické rady a pomôcky - Slovensko - Stravovanie