in SlovakSK

444 Sights of Slovakia

444 Sights of Slovakia

The guidebook contains a map of the Slovakia in the scale 1:500,000, a table of distance of Slovak towns, a short characteristic of Slovakia, city transit maps (1:50,000), a text with color pictures.

The text is published in 3 languages simultaneously - Slovak, English, and German.

Published in 2002. Hardbound, 254 pp.

More information:

Slovakia - Guidebooks and Maps

Slovakia - Useful Information for Travelers and Tourists

Slovak for you - a conversational phrasebook

Books about Slovakia in German language and dictionaries – Die Bücher über die Slowakei in Deutsch

444 Sights of Slovakia - sold out
Price: EUR 16.56
Scale: 1:500 000
Category: Tourist Guides, Hiking, Backpacking - Slovakia
Published by: VKU, a.s., Harmanec
Edition 0.
Published in 0.
ISBN: 80-8042-295-8
256 pp.
Dimensions: 24.00 x 15.00 cm
Payment conditions
More in the category
>> Tourist Guides, Hiking, Backpacking - Slovakia

Published: 2003-03-08
Updated: 2003-03-08

Categories: Trips, walks - Help for Travelers - Slovakia