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The thread for message No. 1107. Subject: I'm looking for my ancestors. (Sent on 14 XI 2004 16:20)

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1107 - subject: I'm looking for my ancestors

14 XI 2004 16:20, from: Erica Paolin
I'm looking for information about my ancestor Anton Szmolen, who worked on Franz Josef's employ. He died in Banska Bystrica, perhaps in 1938/39, where he lived in Radvanyii ut 18.
Referring to him the journal Borsszem Jankoban criticized the emperor.

1108 - subject: Re: I'm looking for my ancestors

14 XI 2004 19:17, from: Zlatica
The LDS-Mormons (Family History Center) have filmed the church records of Banska Bystrica. You can order the films and gather ancestral information. to familiarize yourself with church wording.
The town of Banska Bystrica's p

2849 - subject: Re: I'm looking for my ancestors

25 VIII 2013 22:21, from: Martin Styan
The Slovak historians Roman Holec and Marián Bovan recently wrote an article about Anton Szmolen and published it in the periodical Historický Časopis. I am at present (August 2013) working on an English translation of this article.
Martin Styan

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