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The thread for message No. 1118. Subject: Bubnas and Serbak ( Szerbak) family. (Sent on 18 XI 2004 3:57)

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1118 - subject: Bubnas and Serbak ( Szerbak) family

18 XI 2004 3:57, from: Laura
Both of my great grand parents were born in Ubrez according to their marriage document in the United States. I have ordered the LDS film for the Catholic church in Ubrez, but believe my family may have belonged to the Reformed Church. I did find several B

1119 - subject: Re: Bubnas and Serbak ( Szerbak) family

18 XI 2004 6:14, from: Zlatica
To locate a town in Slovak Republic use :
With that site you can locate the neighboring villages.
The SK's phone site is at : and SERBAK still lists in Ubrez.
Surname BUBNAS' lists in Humenne and Priev

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