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The thread for message No. 1127. Subject: Smetana family. (Sent on 20 XI 2004 2:47)

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1127 - subject: Smetana family

20 XI 2004 2:47, from: Anthony Smetana
I am looking for any family in or around the town of KYSUCKE NOVE MESTO near Zilina. My Great grandfather was born there. His wife was Maria Sryanska. They came to America in the early 1900s.

1128 - subject: Re: Smetana family

20 XI 2004 3:14, from: Zlatica
Take a look in SK's phone site A SMETANOVA (female) listing in Kysucke Nove Mesto's phone book. Somehow Sryanska does not seem right. Might the surname be S'RAMKO as that lists in KNM. for locating a town

1137 - subject: Re: Smetana family

22 XI 2004 1:32, from: Anthony Smetana
Thank you for the info. the names were taken off of a marrage certificate.any other help would be greatly aprecietly.

1138 - subject: Re: Smetana family

22 XI 2004 1:54, from: Zlatica
Do you want to connect with the family? Send a letter with your family information, include your e-mail address and a photo of your ancestor for that extra visual aid and see what develops.
Can you e-mail a copy of the marriage certificate t

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