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Genealogy forum

The thread for message No. 1141. Subject: ancestor. (Sent on 26 XI 2004 0:17)

The Genealogy Forum is closed. We offer its archive from years 2002 - 2017. Use Google to search in the forum.

1141 - subject: ancestor

26 XI 2004 0:17, from: rita
I'm looking for mister myaki

1142 - subject: Re: ancestor

26 XI 2004 2:31, from: Zlatica
How can anyone help you, give you direction, websites if you do not provide any dates,information about your ancestor. Are you on a correct board?

1147 - subject: Re: ancestor

29 XI 2004 16:38, from: Yokohama News
Reminds me of Japan. She might have hit the wrong board.

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