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The thread for message No. 1330. Subject: Slovak Name?. (Sent on 4 II 2005 3:02)

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1330 - subject: Slovak Name?

4 II 2005 3:02, from: Lynn
Can anyone please verify that the name Rabak
is Slovak?

1331 - subject: Re: Slovak Name?

4 II 2005 5:24, from: Zlatica
The spelling RABAK does not show up in Slovak Republic's phone book.
You know that you need a name of a village in order to proceed with the research. How about the surname being HRABAK instead?
It does seem that this surname

1332 - subject: Re: Slovak Name?

5 II 2005 20:14, from: Lynn
Thank you very much. I will take a look at Slovenia's phone book. I check the passport copy and maybe these spellig will help.
Last name spelling of the father is Rabak.
Last name spelling of the Mother and daughter is Rjabakova.
Last name spelling o

1333 - subject: Re: Slovak Name?

5 II 2005 20:42, from: Lynn
Thank you for sending it but the phone book will not be of help since I don't speak/read the language. Right now I am just trying to find the orgin of the Rabak name. Family remembers little but says orgin is Slovak and I'd like to confirm that. This fam

1334 - subject: Re: Slovak Name?

5 II 2005 23:48, from: Zlatica
The Slovak Republic's phone site
does have an English version (words, way on top of the screen).
Since the passport says Ceskoslovenska Republika than your search is in the former Czechoslovakia which you know in 1993 separated i

1335 - subject: Re: Slovak Name?

5 II 2005 23:54, from: Zlatica
Under what spelling did you locate your RJABAK/ RABAK ancestor in EI site?
I see that there were 5 RJABAKs and 41 RABAKs.
The OVA would mean a female. The RABAKs that did not come thru in Feb. 1921 were from Shraske which might be Strazske, Sl

1336 - subject: Re:Kostrine / Kostryna

6 II 2005 6:43, from: Zlatica
No village by the name Kostrine in present Slovak Republic. Using One Step / Gray form to locate an Ellis Island manifest, there was a person from a village Kostrine. I went to a good locator of a town

1337 - subject: Re:Rjabak

6 II 2005 6:52, from: Zlatica
I have found 2 RJABAKs that arrived thru Ellis Island from a village named Csontos, Ung megye, Hungary, later this village was Kostrine, Czechoslovakia and now Kostryna, Ukraine.
You can still e-mai

1338 - subject: Re: Slovak Name?

6 II 2005 16:07, from: Lynn
I found them by searching many names but finally found Anna Rabak and children and on the EL site
1921. But that is the names with the lines through their names so I gained no additional information.
Thank you. The passports are 4 pages which I have mad

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