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The thread for message No. 1362. Subject: Backo family - Pruske area. (Sent on 26 II 2005 22:41)

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1362 - subject: Backo family - Pruske area

26 II 2005 22:41, from: John Batzko
I'm researching a number of families in the Pruske area, where my Backo (now spelled Batzko, in the Milwaukee area at least) great-grandparents came from. The families include Backo, Micuda, Misovec (Petrik), Kuco, Chovanec, Figuli/Figur, Beno and Choren

1779 - subject: Re: Backo family - Pruske area

14 I 2006 3:38, from: gabe nemethy
my name is gabriel and i'm from toronto, ontario. my mother was born and bred in bohunice/pruske, and fled to canada from then czechoslovakia in '68. upon seeing your message i asked her if she recognized any of the surnames. unfortunately she

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