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The thread for message No. 1407. Subject: search for relatives. (Sent on 3 IV 2005 7:18)

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1407 - subject: search for relatives

3 IV 2005 7:18, from: Gail Tomko
I would like to find my cousin by the name of Jan who is a physician. His uncle and my father was Jan Tomko. My father has since died in 1989 and I am trying to get in touch with my father's family which I think came from the town of Ubrez.

1409 - subject: Re: search for relatives

3 IV 2005 13:58, from: Zlatica
The village of Ubrez is in Eastern region of Slovakia, closer to Ukraine's border.
The SK's phone site is at :
There is a listing for Jan TOMKO in Ubrez. There is a listing for Dr. Jan Tomko in Presov. I

1491 - subject: Re: search for relatives

12 V 2005 3:33, from: Bill Tarkulich
here are some suggestions for how to write and address a letter
You will find
Jan Tomko at house number 59 in the village of Ubrez. The web page will show you how to formulate the address. Please be

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