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The thread for message No. 1410. Subject: relatives. (Sent on 6 IV 2005 2:18)

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1410 - subject: relatives

6 IV 2005 2:18, from: j/m/kane
looking for any person with the last name (kracunak)in slovakia or america,,,
post message & i will be in touch with you

1411 - subject: Re: relatives

6 IV 2005 3:19, from: Zlatica
Someone on March 30, 2005 posted with the same surname KRACUNAK. Is that you? I have posted twice with some useful information to that post. Take a look.

1414 - subject: Re: relatives in america

6 IV 2005 15:10, from: Zlatica
j/m/kane but no KRACUNAK but some KRACSUNs and KRACUNs. not working at this time of posting.
How about providing some more information. Do you know where your KRACUNAKs were from?

1444 - subject: Re: relatives

19 IV 2005 0:27, from: j,m.kane
i do not recall posting twice//but if there is
more information out there i sure would appreciate the information....
thank you

1445 - subject: Re: relatives in america

19 IV 2005 0:41, from: j.m.kane
i wish i could provide more information but
my father passed away when i was very young &
mother spoke no english 7 was efflected with
memory i.m in a bind for any informatiobn
other then some of my fathers reletatives lived in butler penna

1446 - subject: Re: relatives

19 IV 2005 3:23, from: Zlatica
A person named Kracunak posted under Any relatives on March 30,2005. He ended his post with .. post message & I will be in touch. Sort of reminded me of your ending.
You need to locate a name of a town in order to proceed with locating any distant rela

1447 - subject: Re: relatives in america

19 IV 2005 3:30, from: Zlatica
No W in Slovak alphabet but a surname VAS'KO does list in good numbers in SK's phone book.
Take a look in Ellis Island website. You need to register but no money.
You need a name of a village there

1448 - subject: thanks

21 IV 2005 2:56, from: zlatica
j/m/kane.....Isure do appreciate your help
in tryimg to come up with some information
on relatives from slovakia and Iwant to thank you and leave my e-mail SHOUILD ANYTHING TURN UP

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