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The thread for message No. 1429. Subject: Father's family. (Sent on 17 IV 2005 14:50)

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1429 - subject: Father's family

17 IV 2005 14:50, from: Peter Benes
Trying to locate any info on my father. Gaspar Peter Benes born Jan 31,1887 in Kassa. Has M.E. degree from Tech College of Kashau & 2 years study at Univ. of Budapest

1430 - subject: Re: Father's family

17 IV 2005 15:10, from: Zlatica
The surname BENES^ still lists in Kosice's (Kassa) phone book.
The LDS-Mormons have filmed the church records so you can order them and gather ancestral information.
A website to familiarize yourself with church w

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