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The thread for message No. 1449. Subject: Slovak church records. (Sent on 21 IV 2005 4:10)

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1449 - subject: Slovak church records

21 IV 2005 4:10, from: Ruth
Two years ago you helped me find my relatives in Slovakia. I have since been writing to them and am now planning a trip to Slovakia in August. How can I find out which church might have family records? My grandfather's family name is Hanajik and he came

1450 - subject: Re: Slovak church records

21 IV 2005 4:21, from: Zlatica
It is hard to suggest an appropriate gift. Money is good but so impersonal. Something from your state or city. Something Made in America.
The phone book of Papradno is listing HANAJIK.
The LDS-Mormons website is listing Ro

1451 - subject: Re: Slovak church records

21 IV 2005 20:18, from: Ruth
Thank you for the information. I have visited the LDS site and am unable to figure out how to ask for the church records. How did you see them?

1452 - subject: Re: Slovak church records

21 IV 2005 20:28, from: Zlatica
Your welcome.
Go to this site : click on Place search and type a name of a village. It should give you the church films numbers for Papradno that you would order.

1457 - subject: Re: Slovak church records

24 IV 2005 3:39, from: Ruth
Many thanks for the website address. There is an LDS library near where I live, so I am going to order the films to be sent here so I can look at them. I am so happy that you were able to help me. I would have never found my grandfather's family if it

1458 - subject: Re: Slovak church records

24 IV 2005 5:06, from: Zlatica
Your welcome, Ruth.
To familiarize yourself with church wording check this site :
A first name translation website might come in handy
I take it that you found the HANAJIKs that came thru Ellis

1490 - subject: Re: Slovak church records

12 V 2005 3:28, from: Bill Tarkulich
Popradno is the old name for present-day village called PAPRADNO.
The Mormon catalog entry for your village is here It contains Roman Catholic records 1734-1907. Is this the correct religion? If so, your film numbers are the

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