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The thread for message No. 1459. Subject: Tokar/Josef/Mikula/Savka/Pastirik. (Sent on 24 IV 2005 5:52)

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1459 - subject: Tokar/Josef/Mikula/Savka/Pastirik

24 IV 2005 5:52, from: Linda
I am looking for information on the following individuals: Andrej Tokar born in Horni/Horna in the Sobrance district to Vasil Tokar and Maria Mikula (immigrated to US around 1908); Anna Josef and her brother Juraj Josef born to Andrej Josef and Marie Savk

1463 - subject: Re: Tokar/Josef/Mikula/Savka/Pastirik

25 IV 2005 15:20, from: Robert
Maybe I will can help you. My e-mail:

2652 - subject: Re: Tokar/Josef/Mikula/Savka/Pastirik

3 X 2009 12:43, from: ONDREJ TOKÁR
Hi idk you finding me but I am ondrej tokar :-)
for more info email

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