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Genealogy forum

The thread for message No. 1465. Subject: relatives. (Sent on 28 IV 2005 15:35)

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1465 - subject: relatives

28 IV 2005 15:35, from: Sharon
I am looking for info and relatives of Joseph Csacso(Caco). My grandfather was Lorinc Caco married Susann Kocurko. His father was Andrew Csacso son of Joseph. Joseph was married to Mary Fruncek. Andrew married Mary Piskura. I believe they all were from Br

1466 - subject: Re: relatives

28 IV 2005 16:55, from: Zlatica
I have seen your post on and have sent you an e-mail to your e-mail address that was on that site. Let me know if you received it.

1467 - subject: Re: relatives

28 IV 2005 17:58, from: Zlatica
Yes, I received your e-mail. Thanks!

1468 - subject: Re: relatives

29 IV 2005 0:14, from: Zlatica
You have any questions, just e-mail me.

1755 - subject: Re: relatives

28 XII 2005 18:06, from: Tony Kocurko
Hi, Sharon...
Were your family from Brezovica nad Torysa in the east, north
of Presov or from Brezovica in the west? Mine were from the
former. If memory serves, my grandfather and all but one or
two of his siblings emigrated to the U.S. in the ea

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