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The thread for message No. 1488. Subject: benes family. (Sent on 9 V 2005 13:35)

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1488 - subject: benes family

9 V 2005 13:35, from: peter benes
Looking for data on the family of Gaspar Peter Benes born Jan31,1887 in Kassa.Graduate of The Tech. College of Kashau

1489 - subject: Re: benes family

9 V 2005 14:23, from: Zlatica
You posted this same query on April 17, 2005. I did post some information. Do take a look if anything of use for your research.
Kassa is Kosice.

1500 - subject: Re: benes family

18 V 2005 13:15, from: peter benes
thank you for the reply. I know the history of Kassa, Kashau, and Kosice.I am still hoping to hear from some of my fathers family

1501 - subject: Re: benes family

18 V 2005 14:47, from: Zlatica
Your welcome.
I would say for you to send out a letter. Who knows if they have computer/ internet or even thinking that a long lost relative is looking for them. Maybe they are looking for you but do not know where. Only a suggestion.

2434 - subject: Re: benes family

18 VI 2008 20:39, from: Peter Benes
my grandfather is Gasper Peter Benes.

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