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The thread for message No. 1505. Subject: Lukac' family. (Sent on 20 V 2005 21:07)

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1505 - subject: Lukac' family

20 V 2005 21:07, from: Barbara Dressler
I am looking for relatives of Andros, Frank, and Michael Lukac' who lived in Mocidlany (near Jaraovnice) . Andros left for the US in 1905 and his two brothers a few years later. They had two brothers who remained in Slovakia, and I am trying to find info

1506 - subject: Re: Lukac' family

20 V 2005 21:27, from: Zlatica
The village of Mocidlany is now part of Jarovnice.
The phone book of Jarovnice is listing LUKAC^. Possible a distant relative.
Send a letter with ancestral information, your e-mail address and a photo of

1507 - subject: Re: Lukac' family

20 V 2005 21:51, from: Zlatica
You know your ancestors by the first name used in America but those are not the names you will find in the church records.
Check out a first name translation website (no Slovak)
Are you aware of a special

1522 - subject: Re: Lukac' family

3 VI 2005 20:25, from: Barbara Dressler
Hallo,I am Barbara Dressler, but I'm not looking for Lukac' family. Did anyone
confuse my inquire ore is there another Barbara Dressler?
Im looking for my
grandfather Rudolph Graf von Ototska (?).He lived in Pressbourg until 1947. His profession

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