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The thread for message No. 1525. Subject: I search ROVENSKY, Rovenska..... (Sent on 7 VI 2005 21:13)

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1525 - subject: I search ROVENSKY, Rovenska....

7 VI 2005 21:13, from: Ivana Rovenska
I am from Zamarovce near Trencin (Slovakia) and I search someone with name ROVENSKY or Rovenska (Rovenski, Rovenszki/y/a, Rowensky/i/a)
My grandfather Ladislav ROVENSKY was born in 13.3.1915 in Velke Senkvice (near Bratislava in Slovakia). His wife was A

1562 - subject: Re: I search ROVENSKY, Rovenska....

22 VII 2005 4:01, from: Bill Tarkulich
The records you seek (post-1895) are subject to the privacy legislation of the Slovak Republic. It is not available to the general public. You need to either call or write to the mayor of each respective village, or hire someone to go on your behalf. Y

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