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The thread for message No. 1533. Subject: grandfather. (Sent on 24 VI 2005 17:55)

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1533 - subject: grandfather

24 VI 2005 17:55, from: Tim Molnar
Looking for information about any possible relatives of Paul Molnar, who emigrated to America in 1905. He was from Kalsa in eastern Slovakia. He settled in Windber, Pennsylvania as a coal miner. He left family (brothers and possibly a sister) in Kalsa.

1536 - subject: Re: grandfather

28 VI 2005 6:18, from: Zlatica
The village of Kalsa's phone book is listing surname MOLNAR. Possible some distant relatives. (English version working).

1538 - subject: Re: grandfather

28 VI 2005 14:52, from: Tim Molnar
Thanks so much for the reply. I will check it out. I am hiring a geneologist in Slovakia to do some research for me. I have done lots of research on my own, but that doesn't mean I did it correctly and may have missed some things, since I don't read the l

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