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The thread for message No. 1546. Subject: search for ancestors. (Sent on 5 VII 2005 16:33)

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1546 - subject: search for ancestors

5 VII 2005 16:33, from: Presburg
My ancestors came from Presburg to Amsterdam, Holland,probably after 1750. In Amsterdam they assumed the name of "Presburg", so I do not know their slovakian name. I have following information:
Ze'ev Wolf Barend/Dov-Ber born in Presburg in 1740 - Israe

1560 - subject: Re: search for ancestors

22 VII 2005 3:56, from: Bill Tarkulich
You have posed a problem too tough to crack. You will need to do more work yourself or hire someone
Pressburg is the old name for Bratislava, Slovakia, I presume you know.
First of all, this is a group of amateurs, who don't sit at terminals filled

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