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The thread for message No. 1550. Subject: Malaga/Kovabeny. (Sent on 14 VII 2005 3:24)

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1550 - subject: Malaga/Kovabeny

14 VII 2005 3:24, from: T. Cobin
I am looking for any information on Anna Malaga or Frank Cobin/Fedor Kovabeny. Malaga was born in 1892 in Snakov, Czechoslovakia and Cobin/Kovabeny was born in 1873 in Beresnak, Austria but when they immigrated to the USA the people changed his name to fr

1551 - subject: Re: Malaga/Kovabeny

14 VII 2005 18:15, from: Zlatica
You know that up to 1918 the records would say Austria or Hungary. After the fall of A-H several new countries were formed and one was Czechoslovakia which in 1993 separated into Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. Here is a map of A-H : http://user

1552 - subject: Re: Malaga/Kovabeny (sp?)

14 VII 2005 22:48, from: Zlatica
The manifests were written up at the port of departure, meaning that it was your ancestor who unknowingly or willingly changed his name. Still looking for the elusive Beresnak. Did locate people with the surname BERESNAK coming thru Ellis Island. S

1553 - subject: Re: Malega, Kobeny

15 VII 2005 17:02, from: Zlatica
Trying to locate the village of Beresnak or the correct spelling of Kovabeny and sure would appreciate if you would give me some more information.
If your ancestors married in the "old country" than the villages would be within 10 miles radius. Did

1556 - subject: Re: Malega, Kobeny

19 VII 2005 1:06, from: T. Cobin
Thank you very much for the information that you have given me. Are you from Sovakia?
The Kovabeny spelling is from a marriage certificate from the USA in Illinois. The Beresnak, Austria name came from a obituary. I was told that the two lived just on

1557 - subject: Re: Malega, Kobeny

19 VII 2005 1:19, from: Zlatica
Your welcome.
Yes, I am from Slovakia.
Don't know what else I can add to your research but feel free to ask on or off the board.
The surname HNAT does list in the same area code 54 as Snakov but none in Snakov.
For them to live within 10 miles rad

1559 - subject: Re: Malaga/Kovabeny

22 VII 2005 3:47, from: Bill Tarkulich
I would strongly implore you to seek out alternative sources of their village of origin. The information IS there. Consider government documents such as INS, Social Security as the biggies.
I've written in detail how to go about this yourself

2352 - subject: Re: Malega, Kobeny

25 XI 2007 21:29, from: Jan
I am from village Snakov. My grandmother remembers all Malega family. If you have any question, please contact me.

2388 - subject: Re: Malega, Kobeny

24 II 2008 10:39, from: Tiffany C.
I am so sorry it has taken me this long to get back to you but I just now realized that you had posted this reply on here. I am very interested in learning about the Malega family and the Snakov area. I am stuck and can't go back any further i

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