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The thread for message No. 1587. Subject: Uher/Krajci/Lesak. (Sent on 19 VIII 2005 21:17)

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1587 - subject: Uher/Krajci/Lesak

19 VIII 2005 21:17, from: cheryl smith
I'm told my grandfather Michaly Uher was from Metic. I only find a Mitice. Is this the same village with the Slavic and Hungarian name change?? I'm having a hard time locating where he's from. We have no record of his family.
Also looking for Lesak

1589 - subject: Re: Uher/Krajci/Lesak

19 VIII 2005 21:42, from: Zlatica
A surname KRAJCIK lists in Svinna's phone book.
There is a town named Trencianske Mitice (Kostolne Mitice, Roznove Mitice and Zemianske Mitice).
Surname UHER lists in Trencianske Mitice.
6 Mihaly UHERs

1590 - subject: Re: Uher/Krajci/Lesak

19 VIII 2005 22:05, from: Cheryl
Wow! Thank you; you were fast.

1591 - subject: Re: Uher/Krajci/Lesak

19 VIII 2005 22:50, from: Zlatica
Your welcome.
We are most likely in the same time zone. Check out LDS-Mormons website. It is listing church records of Kostolne Mitice. You can order the films and gather ancestral information. to familiarize yourself with church w

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