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The thread for message No. 1621. Subject: Zvonar relatives. (Sent on 29 IX 2005 2:19)

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1621 - subject: Zvonar relatives

29 IX 2005 2:19, from: Donna Zvonar
I am looking for my grandfather's relatives. His name was Jan Zvonar, born 19 September 1866 the son of Mateus Zvonar and Alzbeta Kruty in Brezova pod Bradlom. He emigrated to the United States about 1892 and married Anna Placko, (the daughter of John

1622 - subject: Re: Zvonar relatives

29 IX 2005 3:16, from: Zlatica
Take a look in
Surname KRUTY and PLAC^KO in Brezova pod Bradlom's phone book. About 40 phone listings for ZVONAR thru the SK and a listing for DRIENSKY in Bratislava.

1624 - subject: Re: Zvonar relatives

29 IX 2005 21:00, from: Donna Zvonar
What does SK mean? Sorry for being so dense but this is all new to me. Thanks for the other info.

1625 - subject: Re: Zvonar relatives

29 IX 2005 23:43, from: Zlatica
SK is an international symbol for Slovak Republic.

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