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The thread for message No. 1632. Subject: Zindl. (Sent on 11 X 2005 13:13)

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1632 - subject: Zindl

11 X 2005 13:13, from: Natalie
I am seeking information about my ancestors.
My GG grandfathers' name was Jakob Zindl, I am assuming he was born in Presburg also. Probably born early 1800s.
My great grandfather Josef Jakob Zindl, born in Presburg on Sept. 11, 1866. A

1633 - subject: Re: Zindl

11 X 2005 15:03, from: Zlatica
You might want to send a request to the archive or hire a researcher in Slovakia for the research. You do know that Presburg is an old name for Bratislava.
Some researchers are in this website:
Take a look in LDS-Mormo

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