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The thread for message No. 1647. Subject: MEDVEC STEPHANIK. (Sent on 15 X 2005 23:47)

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1647 - subject: MEDVEC STEPHANIK

15 X 2005 23:47, from: Jean
Nicholas Medvec married Marie Stephanik.
Nicholas came from TOKAJIK, SLOVAKIA and
I believe Marie or Mary came from there also.
Nicholas had several brothers but I only know
one brothers name and that was Steven.
Marie had a sister Anna and Susan.

1651 - subject: Re: MEDVEC STEPHANIK

16 X 2005 2:17, from: Zlatica
The village of Tokajik's phone book is listing MEDVEC. Surname STEFANIK does list in the same area code 54 but none in Tokajik. for locating a town in SK all there for the resear

1657 - subject: Re: MEDZVEGY, MEDVECZ

16 X 2005 6:49, from: Zlatica
Is this your ancestor? MEDZVEGY Miklos from Orosztokaj / Tokajik arriving in 1913, going to Windber, PA? There was also a MEDVECZ Anna from Felsotokaj / Tokajik that came thru Ellis Island,going to brother Medacz Janos in Luzerne Barro, Pa. Aft

1662 - subject: Re: MEDZVEGY, MEDVECZ

17 X 2005 6:51, from: Jean
Thank you for the information.I don't think the
name Medzvegy is from the area of Pa that I was from.I will keep searching the rest of the names
that you sent.

1663 - subject: Re: MEDZVEGY, MEDVECZ

17 X 2005 6:58, from: Zlatica
Hopefully you read the previous post from me.
Do keep in mind that up to 1918 the records would be in Hungarian as well as the names. After the arrival to America our ancestors willingly or unknowingly changed the names to what ever they wanted.

1668 - subject: Re: MEDVEC STEPHANIK

18 X 2005 21:36, from: Mick
Jean, your Medvec ancestors from Tokajik were Carpatho-Rusyns and they were greek-catholics.
I have visited this village many times. There were executed many villagers by Nazi Germans in time of WWII.
Mick /Kosice, Slovakia/

1669 - subject: Re: MEDVEC STEPHANIK

18 X 2005 21:58, from: Jean
Thank you for the message.How interesting that
you have been there many times.If you ever get back there, the Mayor has the last name of Medvec
so maybe the Mayor would be interested in knowing
that the ancestors lived in Luzerne Pa.and that som

1670 - subject: Re: MEDVEC STEPHANIK

19 X 2005 16:24, from: Mick
Medvec is common name in village Tokajik and in villages arround.
Mick /Kosice, Slovakia/

1671 - subject: Re: MEDVEC STEPHANIK

20 X 2005 2:52, from: Jean
Thank you for all of the information.

1672 - subject: Re: MEDVEC STEPHANIK

20 X 2005 7:08, from: Mick
Mick /Kosice, Slovakia/

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