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The thread for message No. 1674. Subject: Gulash and Benetski. (Sent on 25 X 2005 7:07)

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1674 - subject: Gulash and Benetski

25 X 2005 7:07, from: Skip Magyar
We are attempting to find the parents and any information available on the families of my great grandparents, Michael Gulash and Elizabeth Benetski. What I have found to date is:
Michael Gulash (Michal Gulas^) was born in 1866 in what was Klembergh (va

1675 - subject: Re: Gulash and Benetski

26 X 2005 9:04, from: Mick
your ancestor from Klembark was probably Rusyn and greek-catholic. Klembark is very old Rusyn village with Rusyn settlement. There is still possible find Rusyn speaking people, especially older generation.
Mick /Kosice, Slovakia/ arusm@yaho

1676 - subject: Re: Gulash and Benetski

26 X 2005 15:47, from: Joseph Magyar
Dobre rano Mick,
I think you may be corect. My grandmother had an arranged marriage to a man named Michael Rusnak who died in 1918 of the flu. I always thought that he may have been Carpatho-Rusyn. Since Klembark was a Rusyn village it starts to make

2853 - subject: slovak

1 XII 2013 5:32, from: Bill
trying to find some one who can translate slovak to english!! thanks bill

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