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The thread for message No. 1702. Subject: Andrejkovic, Kontuly, Kuhla>Hrubov, Brestov, Humen. (Sent on 9 XI 2005 9:00)

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1702 - subject: Andrejkovic, Kontuly, Kuhla>Hrubov, Brestov, Humen

9 XI 2005 9:00, from: Barbara Andrejkovics Callahan
I am descendant from Vincentius Andrejkovics b abt 1830, possible in Hrubov or nearby. He married Julia Dzubay in Hrubov and had four children. Vincentius, b 5 Mar 1855; Adalbertus, b 21 Dec 1856, d 9 Jan 1857; Maria, b 30 Nov 1857 and Janos, b 14 Nov 185

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