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The thread for message No. 1722. Subject: Bogol or Benko also Todak. (Sent on 29 XI 2005 5:15)

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1722 - subject: Bogol or Benko also Todak

29 XI 2005 5:15, from: Robert Bogol
Still looking for any MORE information regarding John or Joseph Bogol from Bardeova late 1800s early 1900s.
They were apparently very friendly with Benkos over there and in America.
Any Todaks from Runnia.

1723 - subject: Re: Bogol or Benko also Todak

29 XI 2005 5:28, from: Zlatica
Did you go thru the church records?
Did you send out any letters to the BOGOLs that show up in town of Bardejov's phone book?
TODAK in Runina's phone book.

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