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The thread for message No. 1754. Subject: Okaty ( in Limbach ). (Sent on 28 XII 2005 16:25)

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1754 - subject: Okaty ( in Limbach )

28 XII 2005 16:25, from: Hans-Martin Holleitner
The family name OKATY / OCCATY was common in Limbach until 1945.
Are there any other places for this name to occur b e f o r e 1 8 0 0 ?
Does the name have a slovak background (oci = eyes )?

2932 - subject: Re: Okaty ( in Limbach )

14 IV 2017 18:37, from: Peter
Dear Mr.Hans-Martin Holleitner,
following your data on the website Panoráma
I afforded to make a short genealogical recherche of OKATY Family.
From preserved archival sources it is possible to execute the ancestry approximately from year 1690.
Best r

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