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The thread for message No. 1767. Subject: Hronsky Benadik. (Sent on 8 I 2006 4:27)

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1767 - subject: Hronsky Benadik

8 I 2006 4:27, from: Maria T.
I am searching for the birth record for my grandfather who was born in Hronsky Benadik, the former Garam Szent Benedek, in Bars, Hungary, present day Hronsky Benadik in Slovakia. The LDS Church has microfilmed the records for Slovakia. When I search the

1778 - subject: Re: Hronsky Benadik

13 I 2006 3:26, from: Zlatica
I see that the only Hronsky shows up in LDS site is Hronsky Svaty Jur. It is possible that the church records could be included with a neighboring village or misfiled. You have checked for the films in neighboring villages?
Check Bill Tarkulic

1794 - subject: Re: Hronsky Benadik

25 I 2006 21:24, from: Peter Nagy
The Banska Bystrica State Archives have the Hronsky Benadik Parish records. The parish included also Psiare, Orovnica and Kozarovce.
LDS probably did not catlogized them yet.

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