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The thread for message No. 1819. Subject: seeking ancestors, Fabus. (Sent on 9 III 2006 17:31)

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1819 - subject: seeking ancestors, Fabus

9 III 2006 17:31, from: b. fabus
Searching for information regarding my grandparents. They came to the US in May 1913 from Borcice. Stephen Joseph Fabus and Maria Durik Fabus.

1821 - subject: Re: Fabus, Durik

9 III 2006 20:08, from: Zlatica
Happy to report that surname FABUS^ in Borcice's phone book. Some distant relatives, for sure.
Surname DURIK lists in this same area code 042 in Ilava and Banska Bystrica.
All in this site for research in Slovak Republic. www.iabsi

1826 - subject: Re: Fabus, Durik

10 III 2006 17:25, from: b. fabus
thank you so much for your quick response. i will investigate those links. b.

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