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The thread for message No. 1861. Subject: October trip to Saris. (Sent on 1 IV 2006 20:00)

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1861 - subject: October trip to Saris

1 IV 2006 20:00, from: Bob and Elsa Pendleton
We are planning a family history trip to county Saris in early October. Surnames of interest include Hopko, Bodnar, Simko, Tomecsko, Jurus, Lencsik, Miskuf, Lesko. Villages of interest include Gregrovce and Sarisske Sokolovce. We expect to stay in Pres

1864 - subject: Re: October trip to Saris

1 IV 2006 23:30, from: Juraj Cisarik
If you would like me to some help about your next trip,
let me know.
please see also my
best regards,

1866 - subject: Re: October trip to Saris

2 IV 2006 2:09, from: Zlatica
Bob and Elsa
First of, safe and enjoyable trip. October will be here sooner than you think.
Have you send out any letters to possible distant relatives? SK's phone book. Lencsik would be LENC^IK and Tomecsko a TOMEC^KO.
A sligh

1891 - subject: Re: October trip to Saris

9 IV 2006 23:53, from: Bob and elsa
Thank you for your reply. We have been studying some church records and now know we had mis-read the names involved -- instead of Lencsik, the correct name is Huszar! So we progress.
Thanks also for the hint of the phone book.

1989 - subject: Re: October trip to Saris

16 VI 2006 1:34, from: Charles Bihun
My birth father's, Stephen Liptak, grandfather was from Sarisske Sokolovce. His name was also Stephen, and his was born in 1875. He left for America in 1893. His father was Stephen and his mother was Anna Kucsmova.
Any information would be appreciat

1992 - subject: Re: October trip to Saris

18 VI 2006 17:17, from: Bob and Elsa Pendleton
Thanks for the post. Can you correspond with us directly by email? We'd like to discuss what research you have and have not done. Thanks very much. Our email address is We look forward to hearing from you.

2422 - subject: Re: October trip to Saris

25 IV 2008 3:41, from: A Csintala cousin
I have been trying to find you. A cousin from Oregon (Lupcho) and I are hunting for Gyorgy Csintala and Maria Kocan data. Have you had any luck? Please search for me. Paul

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