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The thread for message No. 2053. Subject: Looking for ancestors. (Sent on 16 IX 2006 8:02)

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2053 - subject: Looking for ancestors

16 IX 2006 8:02, from: David Samartini
I am trying to find information on my ancestors on my mother's side. Her maiden name was Kurnava. I talked with several people and I am not sure if this was the surname used by my ancestors. I would be grateful for any information on this matter.

2054 - subject: Re:Kurnava, Kurnyava

16 IX 2006 23:57, from: Zlatica
Is one of the KURNYAVA, KURNIAWA, KURNJAVA,KURNSJAVA, KUZNYAVA (transcribing error)that came thru Ellis Island in some way connected to your ancestor? Need a precise place of birth to proceed with the research.

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