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The thread for message No. 2099. Subject: Family Research. (Sent on 27 XI 2006 4:33)

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2099 - subject: Family Research

27 XI 2006 4:33, from: Jeremy Brooks
I am looking for information on my father's family (original last name of Bruck). My great-grandfather was John Bruck, who came to the United States around 1909. His wife was Mary Bruck (maiden name: Nesdola). John's father was Gustav Bruck. Fam

2100 - subject: Re: Family Research

27 XI 2006 5:13, from: Zlatica
You need to locate a PRECISE place in the Spis region. Here is an old 1910 Hungarian megye map:; click on Szepes to see how many villages there were/are.
Found a BRUCK and BRUCK (with umlauts on U) in SK'

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