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The thread for message No. 2113. Subject: Ujsok. (Sent on 3 XII 2006 7:17)

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2113 - subject: Ujsok

3 XII 2006 7:17, from: Bernie
My ancestors came from town Ujsok, they were greek-catholic, any ideas?

2114 - subject: Re: Ujsok

3 XII 2006 14:46, from: Zlatica
Might the spelling of the village be Ujszek, Zemplen megye, Hungary, now Nova Sedlica, Zemplin, Slovak Republic? click on Zemplen but on this map it is as Novoszedlicza, right side by 49 degrees.

2133 - subject: Re: Ujsok

28 XII 2006 21:48, from: Bernie
Thank you for your information, but thank to a researcher from old country I can enjoy to professional quality digital photographs from my ancestral village I have got address of my living relatives in old country we were able exchange several e-mails for

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