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The thread for message No. 2142. Subject: relatives in Malcov. (Sent on 8 I 2007 22:11)

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2142 - subject: relatives in Malcov

8 I 2007 22:11, from: pmarshall
I was wondering if any relatives are left in Malcov Solvakia. My grandmothers family came from Malcov. Their last name was Glovnya. She (Susana)had 3 siblings, a sister Mary who stayed in Malcov, a sistern Katheryn that emigrated to the United States(C

2143 - subject: Re: relatives in Malcov

8 I 2007 23:53, from: Zlatica
Most likely some of the GLOVN^As and LUKAC^s that list in Malcov's phone book are your relatives.
The spelling GLOVNYA is Hungarian.
I sort of doubt that they will find you, so why not you send them a letter and see what develops

2144 - subject: Re: relatives in Malcov

9 I 2007 7:31, from: Mick
I do know village Malcov very well, surnames Gluvna and Lukac are very common names in that village. Do you know when your grandmother was born and who were her parents? It would be help to locate your living relatives in Malcov.
Mick /Kosice, Slovakia

2174 - subject: Re: relatives in Malcov

29 I 2007 14:50, from: Patricia Marshall
My grandmother susana glovnya was born April 17, 1885, here sister Maria was born in July of 1881, here brother Michael was born 1n October of 1888 and her sister Catherine was born in November 1891. All 4 children came to the United States at the turn o

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