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The thread for message No. 2147. Subject: Looking for family- Nestich Slovakia. (Sent on 10 I 2007 23:03)

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2147 - subject: Looking for family- Nestich Slovakia

10 I 2007 23:03, from: Cheri Stibrany
Looking for family with the last names Stibrany & or Studencova in the Nestich- Slovakia area.
I am trying to help my father in law locate his brothers or sister or their families. He has not been in contact with the family for many years.
His sister

2149 - subject: Re: Looking for family- Nestich Slovakia

11 I 2007 0:26, from: Zlatica
SK's phone site
The ending OVA just means it is a female.
Nestich/Nestrich is Smolenicka Nova Ves and now part of Smolenice. Surname S^TIBRANY and STUDENC still in Smolenice's phone book.

2294 - subject: Re: Looking for family- Nestich Slovakia

25 VI 2007 3:31, from: Veronika
My family used to live in Nestich, now Smolenicka Nova Ves. My father's surname was Studenc. However, his parents lived in Trstin. few miles away from Smolenice.

2687 - subject: Re: Looking for family- Nestich Slovakia

4 II 2010 7:24, from: Joseph Stibrany
Email me. I may have some information about a part of Stibrany family.

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