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The thread for message No. 2263. Subject: ROSTAS family. (Sent on 4 V 2007 2:38)

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2263 - subject: ROSTAS family

4 V 2007 2:38, from: Linda G
I am searching for family living in eastern Slovakia, around the Kosice area, by the last name of Rostas. Anyone knowing them or hearing of them, please let them know someone is looking to make contact with them.

2264 - subject: Re: ROSTAS family

4 V 2007 7:37, from: Mick
there lived Rostas family in village Zdoba, some 3 miles from Kosice. They were greek-catholics. What information do you have in case of your Rostas ancestors?
Mick /Kosice, Slovakia/

2274 - subject: Re: ROSTAS family

14 V 2007 21:56, from: Linda G
I have knowledge of someone living in a place called Poproc. Vincent, Jakub and Maria are names of the family.

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