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The thread for message No. 2287. Subject: Cemerne, Czech.. (Sent on 5 VI 2007 1:43)

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2287 - subject: Cemerne, Czech.

5 VI 2007 1:43, from: nancy
I am looking for anyone who might know my grandparents, Andrew Fijalkovich and Mary Fenikfrom Cemerne.
His mother's last name was Rezik and Mary's parents were Barbara or Bertha Demcak and Michael Fenik. Mary's sister was Susan Plavecky(married last name

2288 - subject: Re: Cemerne, Slovak Republic

5 VI 2007 3:56, from: Zlatica
The village of Cemerne is in Slovak Republic.
Surname FIALKOVIC^, FENIK, DEMC^AK and PLAVECKY does list in SK's phone book.

2289 - subject: Re: Cemerne, Czech.

5 VI 2007 8:09, from: Mick
I am familiar with Fenik /Fenyik/, Demcsak, Fikalkovic surnames from Cemerne. Do you know when your grandparents were born?
Mick /Kosice, Slovakia/

2290 - subject: Re: Cemerne, Czech.

5 VI 2007 12:20, from: nancy
Thank you for your response. I am not sure, but my guess would be in around 1880. My mother Ann Fijalkovich was born in Star Junction Pa on
12-25-15. And she had 3 brothers born before her,
Joe, John and Andrew.

2297 - subject: Re: Cemerne, Czech.

27 VI 2007 10:11, from: Mick
your grandmother Maria Fenyik was born 13 JUN 1887.
Mick /Kosice, Slovakia/

2298 - subject: Re: Cemerne, Czech.

27 VI 2007 10:17, from: Mick
Mihaly Fenyik and Borbala Demcsak got married 15 FEB 1885
Mick /Kosice, Slovakia/

2638 - subject: Re: Cemerne, Czech.

25 VII 2009 15:22, from: bernat
My godparents were Fijalkovich, first names I do not know, bu I do know they had two daughters . Ann and Mary, as to there where abouts would take some research..........fhe names Demcak and Fenik are familiar.....

2666 - subject: Re: Cemerne, Czech.

2 XII 2009 15:50, from: John R Fijalkovich
My Grandparents are Andrew Fijalkovich and Mary Fenik from Cemerne (now called Vrnova).
My parents are Joseph Fijalkovich and Angelica (Nellie)Drozeck Fijalkovich.
My Father Joseph and I travelled to Vrnova in the late 1980s to visit the Jan Fenik F

2890 - subject: Re: Cemerne, Czech.

4 IV 2015 16:25, from: ernest rezik
I am searching for my Rezik family name,but we are more south and est in Hungary

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