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The thread for message No. 2292. Subject: Pelejte. (Sent on 10 VI 2007 22:05)

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2292 - subject: Pelejte

10 VI 2007 22:05, from: Sue James
Pelejte is the town my grandmother came from in 1887. Has that name changed and what is it? I have also been looking for the name Milko or Milyko. Does anyone know if this name is still in this area? Thanks!

2293 - subject: Re: Pelejte

10 VI 2007 22:14, from: Zlatica
Hi Sue
Pelejte, Zemplen megye, Hungary is Plechotice, Slovak Republic.
An ALL site for research:
SK's phone book: MIL^KO does list in Plechotice's phone book. Possible a distant relative. Check LDS-Mormon

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