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The thread for message No. 2322. Subject: Juriga/Hlatky/Foriska Surnames. (Sent on 16 VIII 2007 3:00)

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2322 - subject: Juriga/Hlatky/Foriska Surnames

16 VIII 2007 3:00, from: Alison
Family is from Radimov. Came to USA in the late 1800's, early 1900's. Just searching for info to update or add to family tree history.
Also to correspond with relatives.

2323 - subject: Re: Juriga/Hlatky/Foriska Surnames

16 VIII 2007 16:57, from: Zlatica
Are you in contact with the JURIGA and FORIS'KA that list in SK's phone book?
Have you posted on Ancestry and Genforum boards?

2829 - subject: Re: Juriga/Hlatky/Foriska Surnames

5 X 2012 15:05, from: Bozena
My grand father familly (the sisters)came to USA about 1914-15? My grand father was little. He's name was FORISKA (born in 1909 Radimov)

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