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The thread for message No. 2371. Subject: Joseph Fesco or Josef Fesko !! b1898. (Sent on 25 I 2008 11:28)

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2371 - subject: Joseph Fesco or Josef Fesko !! b1898

25 I 2008 11:28, from: Lesley Gibbs
I am looking for my Grandfathers family his father was also Joseph his mother I don't know her name.I'm not 100% sure where my Grandfather was born but I think it might have been Ruska Nova Ves in Jan 1898. he came to England with his mother in 1899/190

2372 - subject: Re: Joseph Fesco or Josef Fesko !! b1898

25 I 2008 17:15, from: Zlatica
Hi Lesley
Glad to see that you have not given up on your research. Maybe you want to invest small amount of money and order the Greek Catholic/Byzantine Catholic church records of Ruska Nova Ves that show up in LDS-Mormons (Family History Center)to see

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