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The thread for message No. 2383. Subject: Oravice - Zakamenne. (Sent on 20 II 2008 19:46)

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2383 - subject: Oravice - Zakamenne

20 II 2008 19:46, from: Don
My grandparents supposedly came from Oravice prior to 1900, We plan to visit Slovakia this summer, I now have a detailed map of Slovakia and would like to know where this village is located. My search on the web shows the village of Zakamenne, is this cor

2384 - subject: Re: Oravice - Liesek (Vitanova)

21 II 2008 3:51, from: Zlatica
Hi Don
The 1:100,000 SK's atlas that I have is showing Oravice 5 km South of Vitanova close to Poland's border.
You can find the village on old 1910 Hungarian Arva megye map. If I type the website, the site will not post my reply.

2385 - subject: Re: location - map

21 II 2008 15:04, from: Zlatica
Don search for Vitanova as on that map it will show you Oravice.

2386 - subject: Re: Oravice - Liesek (Vitanova)

22 II 2008 3:27, from: Don Nogay
Hello Zlatica,
Thank you so much for your help,,, Yes, I logged on to the website and printed the map and the location. The village is very tiny and probably has not changed since early in the century. I do remember my grandmother saying that they c

2387 - subject: Re: relatives?

23 II 2008 3:56, from: Zlatica
Your welcome Don.
Have you checked in SK's phone book if any distant relatives still in area?

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