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The thread for message No. 2510. Subject: Ponicky. (Sent on 12 XI 2008 18:57)

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2510 - subject: Ponicky

12 XI 2008 18:57, from: dawn
I am searching for family in Lucenec (Losonc in hungarian) Slovakia.My grandfather was born in 1904 to Ilona & Joseph with many brothers & sisters.he left in 1921 for the states.He resided in Cleveland,Ohio until his death. His name was Janos Ponicky (Pon

2511 - subject: Re: Ponicky

14 XI 2008 2:03, from: Zlatica
What you mean having hard time locating anyone?
Are you in contact with PONICKY that list in Lucenec's phone book? I would recommend sending a letter to the distant relatives. Do include a photo of your ancestor.

2512 - subject: Re: Ponicky

14 XI 2008 16:52, from: dawn
Zlatica, I do not have a Lucenec's phone book. How can i get one? I do have pictures ready to send. I appreciate any other help you could give me. I do not have addresses for the relatives.
thank you so much for replying to me.

2513 - subject: Re: Ponicky

14 XI 2008 23:33, from: Zlatica
Your welcome.
SK's phone book:
in VYHLADAJ - surname Ponicky
in MESTO - Lucenec
HLADAJ - click/search
Seems that Ladislav PONICKY has a business
You can also search with only a surname in Vyhladaj. You will get all of PONICKY.

2718 - subject: Re: Ponicky

5 V 2010 18:00, from: Peter
I am Peter Ponický and I was born at Lucenec. My father Ferenc (Frantisek) had brother Janos that the around year 1921 leave for America and lived somewhere at Ohio. Really mine grandmother be in at he in the year 1955.
I have got 54 years and lives aro

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