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The thread for message No. 2521. Subject: Bookstore - finding relatives by name. (Sent on 26 XI 2008 8:49)

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2521 - subject: Bookstore - finding relatives by name

26 XI 2008 8:49, from: Janice Henderson
My grandma came to usa 1890s - her name yurek by marriage and fialko maiden. Trying to do genealogy
was there a town by name of drovana???? or something similar-is there a book with family names?

2522 - subject: Re: JUREK, FIALKO/A

27 XI 2008 1:00, from: Zlatica
The English Y is a J sound so your Yurek is JUREK in Slovak.
No Drovana. From what records are you getting this (mis)spelling?
Village in SK starting with letters DR: Drabsko, Drahnov, Drahovce, Dravce, Drazice, Drazkovce, Drazovce, Drienca

2523 - subject: Re: book with family names

27 XI 2008 1:07, from: Zlatica
The book with family names would be an ancestral village church record.
This might be the closes to a book with family names. Slovak Pride Index. You will find your ancestral surnames listed there by descendants.

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