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The thread for message No. 2539. Subject: Need Bratislava relatives email addresses. (Sent on 22 XII 2008 1:24)

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2539 - subject: Need Bratislava relatives email addresses

22 XII 2008 1:24, from: Francis Schmitt
Have two cousins living in Bratislava. Neither speak English and I don't speak Slovak. When my mother was alive she served as my contact as she spoke Slovak. She was born in Pennyslvania, USA. Her parents were immigrants and taught her Slovak as a littl

2540 - subject: Re: Need Bratislava relatives email addresses

22 XII 2008 4:46, from: Zlatica
I would recommend sending them a letter thru post office, include your e-mail address and iquire if they have one so you can correspond thru internet.
In Bratislava's phone book a Maria DUBINOVA living on Robotnicka (street) Olga KLIMONOVA sti

2541 - subject: Re: Need Bratislava relatives email addresses

22 XII 2008 18:16, from: Francis Schmitt
Thanks so much for your reply. I did mail Christmas greetings to Maria and Olga and included a request for their email addresses. Since mail is slow I presume my note has not yet arrived. When I came across this website, it occured to me that perhaps s

2542 - subject: Re: Need Bratislava relatives email addresses

22 XII 2008 22:17, from: Francis Schmitt
Thanks for your help...since posting my expansive last reply, I learned how to access the slovakia phone book. Was able to determine the house number of Maria on Robotnicki St as well as the phone numbers for each lady. Was also able to see on gthe site

2543 - subject: Re: Balazik, Horne Oresany

23 XII 2008 17:10, from: Zlatica
You're welcome.
BALAZIK does list in Horne Oresany's phone book.
OSWALD and OSVALD in SK's phone book.
At this holiday time, I have no idea how long it takes for a mail to get to Slovakia. I would guess between 7 to 10 days.

2544 - subject: Re: dictionary

23 XII 2008 17:13, from: Zlatica
dictionary: http: //
It is neat to actually see location of the address.

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