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Genealogy forum

The thread for message No. 2578. Subject: Grandfather's family. (Sent on 8 II 2009 3:05)

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2578 - subject: Grandfather's family

8 II 2009 3:05, from: Chuck Palsa
My grandfather was Karol Palsa. He was born on Feb. 11, 1894 in the town of Hertnick (sp?). He immigrated to the USA, arriving in New York on May 21, 1911.
I am looking for any information on his parents and immediate family. I believe he had three

2579 - subject: Re: Grandfather's family

8 II 2009 15:27, from: Zlatica
PALS^A still in Hertnik's phone book.
An ALL site for research in Slovakia:
The LDS-Mormons (Family History Center) site is listing Hertnik's church records.
Palsa, Anna Wertuek, Hungary
Palsa, D

2600 - subject: Re: Grandfather's family

28 III 2009 14:12, from: FRATELLO
Dear Sirs,
my name is Marek Rimsky, I am professional genealogist from Slovakia. I am offering you a genealogy research, search of your ancestors if they came from Slovakia.
If you are interested, please contact me on the following address: marek.rim

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