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The thread for message No. 2615. Subject: DLABIK, JANECIK, GUCZKY in Osada, Slovakia. (Sent on 27 IV 2009 0:40)

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2615 - subject: DLABIK, JANECIK, GUCZKY in Osada, Slovakia

27 IV 2009 0:40, from: Pamela Schwartz
My Slovak family is from Osada, Slovakia. I am aware that the old village is now underwater (The Orava Dam). My Great Grandmother Alsbeta left Osada with her husband Jan Guczky and their newborn daughter Mariska (my Grandmother) in May 1921. I know they l

2616 - subject: Re: DLABIK, JANECIK, GUCZKY in Osada, Slovakia

27 IV 2009 2:40, from: Zlatica
Alsbeta (it is Alzbeta on the manifest) GUSKY She was naturalized citizen as well as Mariska (Maria)
I think these to belong too your family.
Gucky Galos, Atojra Notje, Slovakia 42 1878
Gucky Galos, Atojra Notje, Slovakia 17 1903

2617 - subject: Re: DLABIK, JANECIK, GUCZKY in Osada, Slovakia

28 IV 2009 4:18, from: Pam
Yes indeed these are my relatives. Settled on Rock Ave. in Plainfield, NJ. So many names on this list and I think I'm lucky that they are so confined to a particular place in Slovakia.

2618 - subject: Re: DLABIK, JANECIK, GUCZKY in Osada, Slovakia

28 IV 2009 4:45, from: Zlatica
Lucky is right.
I have no idea what is Atojra as it does not exist, it is not a Slovak first name. Also no idea what is Notje as no such but for sure they were born in Osada. You have noticed shipping clerk's spelling errors. :)

2637 - subject: Re: DLABIK, JANECIK, GUCZKY in Osada, Slovakia

21 VII 2009 16:17, from: Michal
Maybe I can help you a bit further with searching for your relatives. Please contact me via email.
Best wishes

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