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The thread for message No. 2712. Subject: Brandenburgs Brandoburs brandaburs. (Sent on 26 III 2010 22:31)

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2712 - subject: Brandenburgs Brandoburs brandaburs

26 III 2010 22:31, from: Joseph H Brandabur
My father john jonas brandabur was born in letanovce in 1896 his father was mathej brandobur mother was anna soltis soltiz? They came to USA about 1898. We live in hamilton ohio near cincinnati ohio.Have cousins brandebur in kosice ,Have visited the area.

2713 - subject: Re: Brandenburgs Brandoburs brandaburs

27 III 2010 14:49, from: Zlatica
Hi Joseph
What sort of information are you looking for being that you have visited the area and most likely connected with distant relatives. :)
Did you go thru Letanovce's church records that are in listed in LDS-Mormons (Family History Center) site?

2714 - subject: Re: Brandenburgs Brandoburs brandaburs

27 III 2010 15:10, from: Zlatica
Bicandabur, Janos; Bicandabur, Jozsef; Bicandabur, Kata from Letanfalu arriving NY EI. Their surname is BRANDABUR on the manifest.
Brandebus, Josef; Brandobur, Janos; Brandobur, Matej from Letanfalu.

2715 - subject: Re: Brandenburgs Brandoburs brandaburs

27 III 2010 21:53, from: joseph brandabur
Mathej Matthew brandabur was my grandfather.I do not know where Letanfalu is ?now Letanovce.When my grandfather came to the us the area was hungary.I have been to letanoce and also viewed the birth records in Levoca.I have a copy of my fathers birht from

2716 - subject: Re: Letanfalu, Szepes m. - Letanovce, Spis region

27 III 2010 23:30, from: Zlatica
You're welcome JHB
Sure you know where Letanfalu, Szepes megye is. This is an Hungarian name of Letanovce.
The site will not let me post any websites.
I have sent off an e-mail to your e-address that I found on this board. You should have received it s

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