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The thread for message No. 2725. Subject: Pojdaks and Ferenc. (Sent on 27 V 2010 21:19)

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2725 - subject: Pojdaks and Ferenc

27 V 2010 21:19, from: Joe Poydack
I am looking for any information on the Pojdak or Ferenc families. My great-great grandfather was born in 1873 in Helcmanovce and married Kathrin Ferenz (Ferenc), I believe she was born in Prakovce.
Thank you,
Joe Poydack

2726 - subject: Re: Pojdaks and Ferenc

28 V 2010 16:41, from: Zlatica
Hi Joe
What sort of information are you looking for?
Did you go thru the church records?
Have you posted on Ancestry and Genforum?
POJDAK does show up in Prakovce's and FERENC in Helcmanovce's phone book.

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